Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sweetlife Coco Sugar vs Brown Sugar

The Glycemic Index (GI) relates to the way your body’s sugar levels respond to certain foods. Foods are given a rating from 0 –100 on the glycemic index with glucose in the highest position. High Glycemic Index foods (such as simple carbohydrates) will increase the body’s sugar levels rapidly whereas low glycemic index foods will increase the body’s sugar levels slowly. (

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Did you know that Coconut Sugar is the best sweetener?

After the introduction of the virgin coconut oil which hit the market by storm, now comes the coconut sugar. Coconut sugar is a sweetener that comes from coconut sap, it can be packaged in granules which could be similar to muscovado sugar up to liquid form, similar to that of honey.

What exactly is coconut sugar and why is it gaining popularity now?

Coconut sugar comes from coconut sap, it may be slightly sweet compared to refined sugar but in its granule form, it is not as hard as the sugar crystal granules we are accustomed to. Coco sugar has been known to have a lot of health benefits, most call it the wonder sugar which is unlikely to be found on other sugar derivatives.

Several tests have already been made to prove this claim. This type of sugar has a glycemic index of 35 compared to the brown sugar that has a GI of 64.

This shows that an intake of coconut sugar might not trigger any unwanted response to the bodyFoods low on the glycemic index will release glucose gradually into the blood stream whereas foods high on the glycemic index will provoke an immediate response in the blood sugar levels. Foods that contain carbohydrates are usually high on the glycemic index and have the greatest effect on blood sugars. 

With this, diabetics won’t have to worry much about their blood sugar level. It also lowers bad cholesterol, rich in of natural vitamins and minerals including potassium, phosphorus and other micro nutrients. There are studies as well that show that it won’t cause a lot of weight gain compared to its other counterparts which makes it good for people who are on a diet.