Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fruits and Yogurt Creations

Geli Fruits & Yogurt Creations is a stirred yogurt made from real fresh milk from a dairy farm in Bukidnon, fermented perfectly using selected bacterial cultures and added with imported blueberry and strawberry preserves to achieve the right blend of creamy, fruity and tartish taste just right for Filipino palates.

A batch of Geli Fruits & Yogurt Creations starts by pasteurizing the milk to 80 degrees Celsius to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and conditions the protein in milk. It is then cooled to 43 degrees Celsius and yogurt cultures of Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus are added. Fermentation takes about 6-8 hours for the yogurt cultures multiply and produce enough lactic acid for yogurt to become sour. At this stage, milk that was pasteurized, inoculated with yogurt culture and incubated for 6-8 hours is now called yogurt!

Fruit preserves and sugar are then added to the yogurt coining the name "stirred yogurt" or Swiss-style (US).

The stirred yogurt is then packed hygienically in 250 mL and 1 liter bottles and chilled it to slow down further fermentation that will make it too sour to consume.

A bottle of Geli Fruits & Yogurt Creations can last up to 2 weeks in refrigerated condition.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Blueberry yogurt with Sweetlife Coco Sugar

Yogurt with Blueberry is an irresistible blend. But it is usually added with regular refined sugar which makes people think twice to grab a cup or two.

What if instead of refined cane sugar, SweetLife Coco Sugar is used? Hmmmm. Intriguing!!!

In August 2012, we will be launching our more healthy yogurt in Cagayan de Oro. It will be yogurt that you never had before.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Coco Sap Sugar Roadmap Planned

MANILA, Philippines — The government is crafting a national roadmap for coconut sap sugar in collaboration with producers to win a greater share of the $1.1-billion global alternative sweetener market.
To start the ball rolling, Agriculture Secretary Proceso J. Alcala and Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) administrator Euclides Forbes organized the two-day First National Coconut Sap Sugar Congress that begins at the Marco Polo Hotel in Davao City today. Alcala will keynote the congress.
Coconut sap sugar has made inroads into sophisticated markets like the United States and European Union.
The Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR) also collaborated with the DA and PCA in inviting more than 200 farmers, advocates, practitioners and other coconut industry stakeholders to discuss how the product can viably compete in the international market.
The government is interested in harnessing the potential of coconut sap sugar worldwide. President Benigno S. Aquino III stressed that increased production and export demand for coconut sap sugar will not only add more foreign exchange to the national treasury but also generate more jobs in the countryside.
Alcala said the holding of the congress is timely since coconut sap sugar had been marketed since 2007.
“It is imperative for us to set appropriate processes and product quality standards for coconut sap sugar,” he stressed.
“More important, it is necessary for us to craft and implement a unified national plan and roadmap to bolster our comparative advantage as a producer of world-class coco sugar,” Alcala said.
Forbes said he hopes the holding of the congress will lead to the establishment of a sustainable industry, implementation of product quality standards and cooperation among key industry players.
The PCA chief said coconut sap sugar is made from toddy, locally known as “tuba,” the liquid that oozes from unopened inflorescence called “spathe.” A healthy coconut tree can produce two liters of spathe a day but eight liters of the sap is needed to produce a kilo of coconut sap sugar.
Transforming the sap into sugar granules does not need expensive equipment, thus making it appropriate for farm-level production.
With a low glycemic index of 35, it is best for those suffering from diabetes mellitus or those whose families have a history of the disease, Forbes said. The sap is said to contain between 12 percent and 18 percent sugar in its natural form along with important vitamins and amino acids.

Posted on:
March 4, 2012, 4:03pm

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sweetlife Coco Sugar vs Brown Sugar

The Glycemic Index (GI) relates to the way your body’s sugar levels respond to certain foods. Foods are given a rating from 0 –100 on the glycemic index with glucose in the highest position. High Glycemic Index foods (such as simple carbohydrates) will increase the body’s sugar levels rapidly whereas low glycemic index foods will increase the body’s sugar levels slowly. (

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Did you know that Coconut Sugar is the best sweetener?

After the introduction of the virgin coconut oil which hit the market by storm, now comes the coconut sugar. Coconut sugar is a sweetener that comes from coconut sap, it can be packaged in granules which could be similar to muscovado sugar up to liquid form, similar to that of honey.

What exactly is coconut sugar and why is it gaining popularity now?

Coconut sugar comes from coconut sap, it may be slightly sweet compared to refined sugar but in its granule form, it is not as hard as the sugar crystal granules we are accustomed to. Coco sugar has been known to have a lot of health benefits, most call it the wonder sugar which is unlikely to be found on other sugar derivatives.

Several tests have already been made to prove this claim. This type of sugar has a glycemic index of 35 compared to the brown sugar that has a GI of 64.

This shows that an intake of coconut sugar might not trigger any unwanted response to the bodyFoods low on the glycemic index will release glucose gradually into the blood stream whereas foods high on the glycemic index will provoke an immediate response in the blood sugar levels. Foods that contain carbohydrates are usually high on the glycemic index and have the greatest effect on blood sugars. 

With this, diabetics won’t have to worry much about their blood sugar level. It also lowers bad cholesterol, rich in of natural vitamins and minerals including potassium, phosphorus and other micro nutrients. There are studies as well that show that it won’t cause a lot of weight gain compared to its other counterparts which makes it good for people who are on a diet.